The Art of Media Research

Editor: Maryam Muliaee
Vol. 4 | No. 2 | 2023

ISSN 2691-1566



The Art of Media Research: An Introduction
Maryam Muliaee

Practice-based & Practice-led Studies

Blue Lines at Blackrock: Digital Wayfaring and Mobile Media Art
Marsha Berry

Producing Sounds from the Past of Media:
Mary Had a Little Lamb (2019) and We Were Away a Year Ago (2023)

Kazuhiro Jo and Paul DeMarinis

New Postscripts: Reinventing J.B. Priestley's BBC Broadcasts
for a Diverse and Contemporary Bradford

Mark Goodall and Karen Thornton

Exhibiting Computational Language Art
Nick Montfort

Metric Displacement: The Sound of Network Friction
Brian House, Annie Aries, and Marcel Zaes Sagesser

Rotoscoping Saint Agatha out of her own Myth in an Aesthetics of Reparation
Bernadette Wegenstein

Prodigious Protocols
Maja Bak Herrie

Cover design: Mani Mehrvarz

Acknowledgment: MAST wishes to thank all the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of the manuscripts and their many insightful comments and suggestions.